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Definitely! We will arrange a visit to your property to discuss the specifics of the project and understand its scope, including the time, materials and resources required. Often this helps us provide a budget estimate. It also gives you the opportunity to evaluate whether we are suitable for your needs. If you find the estimated range and our approach satisfactory, we will request a nominal deposit and go deeper into specific details to give you a detailed and precise quote.

For the majority of projects, the answer is NO. It’s undeniable that renovations can cause some disruption and mess. However, at Upscale Remodeling, we make every effort to minimize disturbances, keep the project duration brief, and ensure everything stays on track. But there are instances, particularly with extensive renovations, where it might be more practical for the work to be done when you aren’t residing in the property. Such decisions are made individually and are discussed in detail before the commencement of the work.

A lot of renovation firms might assure you that their initial estimate is the final cost, no exceptions. However, such an approach is either overly optimistic or potentially misleading. In reality, two main factors can lead to an increase in the final cost: 1) unforeseen issues that weren’t apparent during the initial assessment (like concealed piping, rotted structures, defective wiring, etc.) and 2) enhancements or changes requested by the client. While we always strive to foresee potential surprises and are adept at doing so, it’s not uncommon for final expenses to be around 5% to 12% more than the initial estimate. We advise you to set aside this additional amount for potential adjustments, ensuring a smooth process and satisfied clients. To clarify: Upscale Remodeling won’t exceed the original quote unless unexpected challenges arise or if there are changes initiated by the homeowner.

An estimate offers a ballpark figure of the potential costs based on an initial discussion about your project’s requirements and desires. After our first interaction, we usually provide clients with a range for the estimated cost to help them understand the scope of the endeavor. If this preliminary estimate aligns with your budget, we move forward to determine a definitive price. This fixed price is derived from thorough planning and design work, considering specific details like finishes, fixtures, and materials. We embark on this detailed phase only when both parties feel confident about partnering. Once the definitive price is established, it remains constant unless unexpected challenges emerge or if there are adjustments or additions requested by you during the building process.

Our method ensures that you can review the design and chosen materials long before any construction begins. Our mission is to translate your remodeling aspirations into tangible designs on paper, and subsequently, bring them to life in your home.